Cos de cumparaturi

Resistance Avalon

Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon
Resistance Avalon


Dependenta lingvistica Ușor dependent lingvistic
Limba Engleză
Complexitate Mică
Durata (in minute) 30
Numar de jucatori 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Varsta Minima Recomandata 13
Anul Aparitiei 2012
Designer Don Eskridge
Mecanici Acțiuni simultane, Deducție, Memorare, Negociere, Puteri variabile, Semi-cooperativ, Votare
Tematica Cacealma/Bluff, Deducție, Fantasy, Joc de cărți, Medieval
Prețul inculde TVA 19%: 119,00lei

Opţiuni disponibile

**Transportul gratuit pentru comenzi incepand de la 180 lei

The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur's servants. Merlin alone knows the agents of evil, but he must speak of this only in riddles. If his true identity is discovered, all will be lost.

The Resistance: Avalon is a standalone game, and while The Resistance is not required to play, the games are compatible and can be combined.


Awards & Honors

    2013 Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee
    2013 Guldbrikken Special Jury Prize Winner

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