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Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition

Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition


Dependenta lingvistica Dependent lingvistic
Limba Engleză
Complexitate Medie
Durata (in minute) 180
Numar de jucatori 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Varsta Minima Recomandata 14
Anul Aparitiei 2016
Designer Nikki Valens
Mecanici Cooperativ, Tablă modulară, Puteri variabile, Zaruri, Gestionarea cărților, Role playing
Tematica Aventură, Explorare, Fantasy, Horror, Miniaturi, Mister
Prețul inculde TVA 19%: 549,00lei

Opţiuni disponibile

**Transportul gratuit pentru comenzi incepand de la 180 lei

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition is a fully cooperative, app-driven board game of horror and mystery for one to five players that takes place in the same universe as Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign. Let the immersive app guide you through the veiled streets of Innsmouth and the haunted corridors of Arkham's cursed mansions as you search for answers and respite. Eight brave investigators stand ready to confront four scenarios of fear and mystery, collecting weapons, tools, and information, solving complex puzzles, and fighting monsters, insanity, and death. Open the door and step inside these hair-raising Mansions of Madness: Second Edition. It will take more than just survival to conquer the evils terrorizing this town.


2016 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork & Presentation Nominee

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