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Grand Austria Hotel

Grand Austria Hotel
Grand Austria Hotel


Dependenta lingvistica Independent lingvistic
Limba Engleză
Complexitate Medie
Durata (in minute) 90
Numar de jucatori 2, 3, 4
Varsta Minima Recomandata 12
Anul Aparitiei 2015
Designer Simone Luciani, Virginio Gigli
Mecanici Colecție de seturi, Zaruri
Tematica Economic
  • Stoc: Indisponibil
  • Producator: Mayfair Games
  • Cod produs: MFG001
Prețul inculde TVA 19%: 319,00lei

Opţiuni disponibile

**Transportul gratuit pentru comenzi incepand de la 180 lei

In the thick of the Viennese modern age, exquisite cafés are competing for customers. Inspiring artists, important politicians, and tourists from all over the world are populating Vienna and in need of a hotel room. This is your opportunity to turn your little café into a world famous hotel. Hire staff, fulfill the wishes of your guests, and gain the emperor's favor. Only then will your café become the Grand Austria Hotel.

The start player rolls the dice, sorting them by the rolled number and placing them on the corresponding action spaces. On a turn, a player chooses one of the six actions and carries it out. The number of the available dice in the corresponding action spaces determines how much the player gets from the action. They then remove one of the dice and can carry out additional actions. With the different actions, a player can get the necessary drinks and dishes, prepare the rooms, or hire staff.

But no hotel can grow without guests. To choose wisely which guests to attract and to complete their orders brings some important bonus actions. The staff cards also have different advantages, but the game ends after seven rounds and no player can do everything they want, so whoever makes the right decisions and finds the best way to create bonus actions will win.

With 116 different cards and a new set-up in each game, Grand Austria Hotel provides a huge replay value. Each game stands on its own and demands new tactics and strategies.

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